Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Good Wolf and the Bad Wolf

Many year ago an old Cherokee Indian grandfather,decided it was time to take his grandson for a serious talk. As they reached the crest of a hill and looked down upon the valley, the grandfather began to tell this story told to him by his grandfather. “Inside everyone of us is a Good Wolf and a Bad Wolf. We have no choice about it. Both are born within us at birth.

However, as we grow up and become adults in life,we will find that one of these wolves will eventually kill the other wolf and then dominate our lives and the way we treat others.”

The young Indian child looked at his grandfather and asked, “But grandfather, how will I know which wolf will win the fight?” The grandfather smiled and said… “That is quite simple to know. The wolf that will win the fight is the one you feed the most.”

1 comment:

Rev. Jim Roemke said...

We met when Jim Walter was in the hospital. I'm his pastor. Lora just shared this post with me and I thought it a tremendous bit of serendipity that I should read it as I'm preparing to preach this Sunday on Roman 7:14-25a. Thanks for sharing and the Lord be with you!