Friday, June 27, 2008

Passion and Enthusiasm

“Passion and Enthusiasm combined, energizes your God given Talents.” -John C. Maxwell

“Passion and Enthusiasm combined is the first step to the Achievement of your personal, career, business and life goals.” -Brian Tracy

“The secret to Willpower to achieve what you want in life,
is the burning desire of Wantpower.” -John C. Maxwell

“You must know what you sing about each day, what you cry about each day, and what you dream about each day, if you want to be successful in life.” -Author Unknown

“Passion produces Excellence and is the Foundation for Excellence. Death isn’t the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies in us while we are still alive.” -Norman Cousins

“Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world
is the Triumph of Enthusiasm.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a story about the wise Socrates that has been handed down over the ages about Passion, Enthusiasm, Knowledge and Wisdom.

A proud and disdainful man who knew about Socrates, but did not have any respect
for him, came to him one day and said in a disdainful way… “Oh great Socrates, I come to you for Knowledge.” Socrates immediately saw the shallow young man for what he was and so he led this young man to the sea and took him out waist deep into the water.

“Tell me what you want again?” he said. “Knowledge.” …he responded with a smile. Socrates grabbed the young man by his shoulders from behind and forced him underwater for at least thirty seconds. He then let the young man up and asked him a second time… “What do you want?” At this point the young man sputtered slightly, but he still was not impressed… “Wisdom oh great Socrates.” At which point the philosopher pushed him under water again, but for a much longer time. As the young man began to struggle violently, Socrates let him up and asked him a third time… “What do you want?”

“By now the young man was gasping and coughing and he screamed out… “Air…I need Air!!!” Then Socrates looked at him and said… “When you want Knowledge and Wisdom,
as much as you just wanted air to breath, you will receive it.”

No wonder this has lasted down through the ages. It’s powerful indeed.

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